How to Set Achievable and Effective Weight Loss Goals

Losing weight is not an easy task, and that can mean success or failure. It is important that you set a goal weight that is achievable. The thought on the final goal at times can be overwhelming that can make you lose track on what you should be doing.

With realistic, well planned weight-loss goals you are bound to keep the focus and motivation. This also gives you a plan for change that helps you attain a healthy lifestyle. It is worth noting that not all goals are essential. Idealistic and overly aggressive goals can be a challenge to your efforts.

Have the following useful tips to create achievable goals that will aid in your weight reduction and improve your health.

Focus on process goals

A process goal is a requisite step in achieving the desired outcome. The goals can focus on outcomes or rather the process. The outcome goal simply means what you desire to achieve after the process, for example losing a certain amount of weight after a specific period of time in order to lead a healthier life or even ft in your wedding gown.

Weight loss

Most of the time the goal gives a target but not how it will be achieved, for instance, the process goal can be eating five helpings of fruits or vegetable a day, walking 30 minutes, or drinking water after every meal. The process goals can be helpful for weight loss because they are aimed at changing your lifestyle and habits.

Have SMART goals

When setting goals, ensure you use the ‘SMART’ goal checklist strategy. Your goals ought to meet the criteria below:

Specific. A good goal has specific details. For instance engaging in exercises as a means to a goal is too vague, but with a goal of jogging for 30 minutes every day morning is specific. If you are doing this, that’s a declaration on what you will do, how long it will take and when you will do it.

Measurable. If you are capable of measuring a goal, then that determines how you can meet a goal successfully. You can measure a goal for instance, reducing your calories intake to 1,000 a day unlike just eating better. You can also measure a goal of doing 50 squats daily.

Attainable.When a goal becomes too difficult to reach. You’re more likely to abandon your mission. Be reasonable when setting your goals to make it even more enjoyable for you. For instance, you cannot set out to lose 30 pounds when the most you have ever successfully lost is 10 pounds.

Realistic. A realistic and reasonable goal is easy to attain. It also keeps you motivated even when you feel like giving up. For example, losing 5-10 percent of your current weight so that you can look good in your bikini in during summer is motivation enough. However, an unrealistic goal like wanting to reduce from size 16 to size 8 within 3 months is simply ridiculous and the end result is disappointment.

Time-bound. For you to succeed in attaining goals, you must set a timeline of when you expect results. Keeping a record makes it easy for you to track your progress. After completion, you will be able to evaluate your performance and make any necessary changes.

Have long-term and short-term goals

If you have long-term goals, the focus on the big picture will remain achievable and most of the times you will be determined to accomplish them. You can even break them into short terms in order not to strain in achieving them.

Give room for Setbacks

For a successful behavior change, you have to experience setbacks. It is okay to experience the setbacks so that you can develop a plan for dealing with them. It is ideal to brainstorm specific strategies that can help you overcome the challenges to stay on course.

In conclusion

Setting goals is pretty easy but what determines success lies in how you implement them. For you to attain a goal, you must dedicate time and resources. You may opt to enroll for gym membership and or engage a personal trainer. Once you achieve your intended goal, work on changing your lifestyle to maintain your new size!